

A Quote About Our Friendship

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.

-Elizabeth Foley

Our Blogs

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Precious Prize

Hey guys its Precious again...
I am kinda pissed and upset right now.
And dont really have anyone to talk to about this...
Well for starts my whole family is freaing stupid.
Not one person acts like I am anything important. Expect for my step papaw.
I complete and totally fuckin hate my life and everything about it expect the few friends I have.
And now that is summer I am gonna be stuck with them till school starts back.
Everyone would be so much more happier if I just was never born.
I love my family and stuff but they drive me crazy! And some of them are just about to push me over the end of hate. I just really can't take much more.
I am just so sick and tired of everyone.
I cant remember the last time I've been happy at home or at my freakin dads mom and dad...
They every last one drive me fuckin insane.
I am never good enough,I'll never be good enough,and everything I do it wrong.
Theres no point in even trying anymore.
They get mad becuz "I am hateful" with them. But maybe they should look around and see why...
I mean if they wasnt 24 7 on my back about every single thing it would be diffenrent.
And what kills me with my mamaw and papaw is that you see my brother Marty,
His the best thing thats happened to them since my dad. Nothing Marty can do is wrong.
He calls me names and does what ever he wants when his here and they dont ever bat a eye.
He could muder someone and they would say "Oh baby its ok you didnt do anything wrong."
And what else kills me is there so judgemental both of them!
All my mamaw does is talk about people becuz made there a little different or a different color (which is so freain retarded I could scream!)
All my mamaw does is try to make me feel bad about myself and just feel bad in general.
I just I have so many feeling that I have to carry around.
I mean even if it aint my fault she tries to make me feel like it is.
Everytime I come over her she cries in front of me and tries to make me feel bad.
I am really sick of it all... And I just dont wanna do it anymore...
"Right now I wanted really care if a rapist stole me away" -Destany PeaceRider.
The only people I can even talk to and remotly understand is the people thats met my family from hell.
Things used to be so perfect and wonderful. And now everythings went to pure shit. Sometimes I wonder if the problem really is me...
I just I dont wanna fail back into the depression I was in a about a year or two ago.
I was finally happy and now I feel like none of that matters.
I know I've made me share of mistakes but your not susposed to dwell on them, Your susposed to move on  and forget about it. But My mom and her boyfriend will never let anything go.
And I mean I got in trouble about 3 weeks ago for the same reason I got in trouble a year ago.
I was talking to people on the internet that I didnt know in person. And I mean I know sometimes that can be dangerous. But I am very careful and I know what not to say and when somethings not right with a person.
But they all act like I am still 3 years old.
They just need to understand that I am 15, 3 more years and I'll be a legal adult.
And the day I turn 18 I doubt I'll ever come back to this Hell town.
People thinks its hard growing up in big cities...They should try living in a small town were everyone knows you and everything about you. And you can never have a good job or get away from your damn family without moving far far far away from here.
And thats what I think is best for me. To move far away.
I am just tried of trading my happiness for theres.
I dont want to knock myself out of a good life and I dont want to end up doing something majorly stupid but if things dont change I might end up having to.
Me and Destany talk about how her mom is gonna adopt me and I'll be Precious PeaceRider...
And I just really hope it turns out that way...But dreams are for sleeping not reality.
I just wish things were different.
I feel like my life is never gonna be how I expected it to be.
But then again things never are what they seem.
Everytime I get happy something happens to were I am sad again.
Just like how I am mostly only happy when I with my step papaw,Homer or at Destany's house.
But since the whole internet thing ( which I am not susposed to be on the computer right now or the phone...)
I aint aloud to go to Destany's for a while becuz I called the person I was talking to on her cell phone and becuz I talked to him on her computer...
But her house is not the only house I talked to him at so really it's not fair.
I dont think I am still grounded off the whole internet chaos, but more so the fact that I bought a TracFone so I could talk to the boy. You see I really cared about him.
And he made me very happy becuz he listened to all my problems and cared for me back...
I even tried to explain that to my mom but she made me stop talking to him and toke my tracfone when she found out through one of my other friends phone bill.
It's just like I so sick of everything being took from be and only giving sadness...
I hope this isnt what my whole life is gonna be like...
But guys I have to go to that damn pinic...alone thanks to my mamaw Felicia cant go now becuz mamaw made a sence in the yard and made Felicia's mom take her home and probably got her in trouble and her mad at me... But thats the way things always end up in my life. So it's nothing new.
I really dont wanna go to this damn thing...I wish I was with Destany or Erica having fun like yesterday and not having to deal with all this stupid problems and stressfulness shit.
But I have to go before my mamaw nags at me and starts crying cuz I looked at her wrong or some stupid shit like that. So Goodbye for now. =[ Bye guys
Love ya,

P.S. Hey Destany if you read this call me on my mamaws cell phone PLEASE! I am about to die here ever since we had to get off the phone a second ago...=[ I love you.


Hey it's Precious again...
I just wanted to put up a few pics from school on here.
And tell yal that we now have a Photobucket account.
We dont have many pics but the infomation to our account is at the very bottom of the page.
So heres a few pics.

Precious Prize

Hey it's Precious!
Well I am at my mamaws bored to death.
Hopefully going to the Zoo Saturday and staying with Destany Monday and Tuesday.
Getting ready to go run around.
Going to the park and boatin and swimming in the pond!!!
Felicia is susposed to be down the park ;)
Hope I have fun!
Got my dress for graduation, Purple.
Well got to eat and get ready for the baseball thingy!
Love ya,

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Destany PeaceRider♥ #4 I'm in bed right now and its 1:11am
and i just got done watching the LAST episode of
my anime. NO MORE, DONE!
And I'm wanting to cry, wait i am crying:[
And when people read this their going to be like
"why would you cry over something like anime
its not real." Well anime has been their for me when i had
no one. I was in the 6th grade and my parents split up and i went into
bad depression. Then one night I was flipping through the TV
channels and I stumbled on to adult swim.
It was about 2 something in the morning and I started to watch
the show that was on. It turned out to be Inuyasha:]
I started to watch it every night and I started to forget about some of my
Even tho it was still their I felt better, I was happier and didn't cry as much.
So anime is like a comfort for me, and at school I can't say much about it
because when I do some say(and some people HAVE told me this
before) "Its just a show,I don't know why you even watch it,or
that's stupid Destany." It makes me so mad
that people can say that about my feelings because
whether they like it or not
anime is my favorite thing and on most days the
only thing I look forward to. I'm pretty sure that it being all i have is the only reason
that Hope and Precious let me carry on about. I'm about to
cry writing this. I don't have that many friends,and  most of the time I'm

So anyway I'm still waiting on the dubbed version so that's
good. I'm glad to get that off my chest I fell kinda relieved.

Destany PeaceRider

Erica Hope #6

Dear Bloggers,
i am chilling with my cousin and best friend amber! i love her.
i have to call logan later... someone told me he was cheating on me like the whole time we were dating (8 months) on and off. . .
i really hope not... my other friend alisha told me that she has known logan all her life and he has NEVER been a cheater. so im praying shes right cuz she would never lie to me. I REALLY love him!!! more than anything in this world. i dont wanna be without him. hes the best thing thats ever happened to me. . . and i just dont know... i really wish destany would help me but shes having her own boy problems too and i just cant bring myself to complain to amber about it. because none of my friends like him and theyd just say leave him alone because hes a loser... but i know hes not!! hes sooo much like me... i just dont know... so im writing this blog with tears almost streaming down my face because everything is going wrong! EVERYTHING! maybe a vacation is what i need. . . and now i found out that i only have a 74 in algebra II so im probably not getting my cell phone back and its been gone for 11 weeks... and logans getting sick of me not having a cell and i dont blame him but i tried soooo hard to pass that class and my parents think i didnt do anything. . . i dont know what to do... i am probably gonna end up crying my eyes out all night... whenever ambers parents go to sleep..
<3 Lotsa Love,
Peace, Love, And Erica.

Erica Hope #5

Dear Bloggers,
Destany has just informed me that i am a bully,
Is this statement true???
I Really wanna know what you guys think..

<3 Lotsa Love,
Peace, Love, And Erica =)


Check out its amazing!!! when you get to it press c and then pick a color and click away! =) build a beautiful picture!!!

As Always,
<3 Lotsa Love
Peace, Love And Erica. =)

 Omg look at this website its so fun!!!!

                                         ~Destany and Precious~

Precious Prize

Hey it's Precious...
I dont really feel like writing today...I am not going to write much.
Well Friday I have to go to graduation,Saturday the park pool opens,and Sunday Kayla's freaking hot cuzin is coming down. So if my mom dont get in the way I am gonna have a pretty cool weekend/summer party!!! Oh yeah and I am going swimming Friday if I dont stay on night with Kayla.
But thats all I am gonna write for now. So byez!
Love ya!

Destany PeaceRider♥ #3

Oh how I love the smell of computers in the morning.
Life sucks, last night I got yelled at because I don't do
anything but sit on my a** on my laptop which is bull. I do everything
at my house. Just ask Hope or Precious! Any who long story short I'm upset.
Is it weird that I'm not allowed to go to my bedroom until I want to go to sleep. I mean I'm not allowed to go sit in there??????
Its the last day of school:[
Well currently I'm planing how to kill my parents. (lol jk)
Sitting in between Hope and Precious who are writing also.
And reading Hopes stories. I love her stories their
The one I'm reading right now is my favorite.
I don't have much to day. Did you know Tom Felton (Draco) can sing??
I'm listing to him right now.
which is helping my mood. Maybe ill read some fan fiction later
it helps alot.
So yesterday I went to my aunt's. It was fun, we always have fun.
We watched the messengers and omg that movie
is scary.Well not much going on this morning.
I plan on going home today doing a boat load of chores, then maybe I'll get to do what i
want to do. I doubt it. Hmm, Hope and Precious are going to
make me look stupid because I can't write as much as they can.
I don't have an exciting life. The highlight of my week is getting to watch my anime.

What I Think Of Hope
Hope, whats their to say about you.Well Your crazy,funny,smart,
creative the list goes on and on.
Your my Mimi Force, Izzy Lightwood, my Aphrodite.
Your always their.

What I Think  About Precious
You nerd. Your kind, funny,retarded and also crazy.
Your my Zoey Redbird, Vamp Nugget, my Anime Buddy.
You never leave. :]

Well Thats about it for today unless something comes up!

Destany PeaceRider♥

Erica Hope #4

Im Writing in red because red is.... passionate, and inspiring... and god knows, i need some inspiration...
My stories have suffered severely lately and so has destany because she is a dedicated follower. And Precious will be soon enough.. (she wont even know what hit her) lol
Man yesterday was crazy i had to mow some crazy old dead ladys yard because i got in trouble. . . the house is falling apart and really creepy. my dad* bought it and i wanna keep it and restore it but dad wants to tear it down. . . =( its way to pretty to get torn down. i told him he at least couldnt tear it down til i drew it.
*if i say dad its most likely gonna be my step dad.
I Am an exceptional artist. . i mean i dont suck but i kinda have it in my blood because my aunt is an AMAZING artist. in fact she teaches it at our school. . which is where i am currently at. Sitting next to my closest besties. Destany, Precious, Hali, And Stacie. They Are AMAZING. I have some stuff on my mind so i figured id share it with you "followers" lol (Sabby) If your mother is bipolar DO NOT piss her offf. it doesnt end well... lol she'll make you mow some old dead crazy lady's yard....not. that. i. ever. have. lol
I started a seperate blog for my stories as did destany but hers is about her life. (check em out!)
lol. Im still really confused about my men... lol I talked to logan last night. we chatted about us not being able to see each other. . i said it was my fault and in all honestly that is true... But i hate admitting it. i dont know if we are gonna get back together... i doubt it. we've been "together" for 8 months. . thats a pretty long time if you ask me. but i love him sooo much.. idk what id do without him. i really feel like bawling my eyes out everytime i think about not being able to be with him... i just feel like i need him. and i dont think he understands that. . . he told me yesterday he was going to the lake with some girl over summer... and i just went crazy.. idk why it bugs me so bad, i just feel like he doesnt love me as much as i love him... idk. . . im almost ready to give up.
i woke up sooo sick this morning... i feel like i might just explode any minute.. i really dont wanna be here but this is the last full day of school. . . and i wanna spend it with my best friends. and having a blast. and thats what i intend to do because life is going by WAY  too fast....
As Always,
<3 Lotsa Love
Peace, Love, And Erica. =)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Erica Hope #3

*Extreme Dramatic Sigh*

I Just Dont know what to do....
i dont know if im allowed to write two blogs in one day but im gonna =p
i just had a TRAGEDY happen. Me and my friend were playing suck and blow (the game where you pass a credit card with your mouth by sucking and blowing.) and it fell and we kissed. kinda lol in the middle of english.. lol its not really a tragedy cuz it doesnt bother me actually. lol but im just thanking god that its the end of the year and there was only like three people in the room to see. lol ive got a big smile on my face because this guy i think is cute,  saw it and im pretty sure he found it attractive lol. haha. what guy wouldnt? lol.
anyway.. im kinda bored. . . today kinda sucks a lil. i was in lunch and brent bumped into me and knocked my food off my tray and then i went to go get a new sandwhich and the lunch room ran out of food. =(
it kinda upset me, lol.
you know your life sucks when:
1. someone loves you but they dont wanna date?
2. you get upset over stupid things (like food)
3. you cant stand half your best friends lol
4. your mom and dad call you fat
5. you cry when your parents yell at you cause your just tired
6. you say "please dont be insert-boy-you-love's-name-here " Everytime the phone rings.
Sounds bad dont it?
well gotta go
<3 Lotsa Love
Peace, Love, And Erica

Destany PeaceRider♥ #2

Hey party people,
not much going on today except for random
singing,playing darts in the hall way,and dancing.
Today's my last day of school. (I wanna cry)
I pray my summer is as fun as my school year was!!!!
 Hopes having boy troubles AGAIN! I try to help as much as I can
but sometimes I feel like i didn't do enough. Do you know what I mean????
I love her to death but sometimes we butt heads!
Like today in lunch she jumped across the booth to punch me because I said Draco was mine.
But we've had so much fun I can't even remember most of it.
Shes the one who got me to write. (Which I'm very pleased
       that I just got done with page 58 of my story)
Sabby and Precious made me sing all last period.
Hummmmm what else is their to talk about???
Oh, is it weird to name your computer??
Because I did and now some people are making fun of me for it.
His name is Yuri:]
♥But any who I better get going.♥

Destany PeaceRider♥

Ericas Apology

This Is My Apology...(Obviously)

Im So So So Sorry for starting all those fights a while back. You didnt deserve to be yelled at... it just seemed like i was going through all of this and you didnt care anymore... and i know thats not true but thats how it felt... and i felt kinda lost, left and a lil betrayed... but i know that i have no reason to feel that way... i love you soo much! im sooo sorry. Please forgive me.

Im A horrible person... i didnt give you a chance.. i just kinda hated you for taking destany from me and i know now that you really didnt... and im really sorry for that... cuz i see now that your an amazing friend. and that i shouldnt judge people. im soo sorry i love you with all my heart, please forgive me..

AS Always
<3 Lotsa Love,
Yours Always,
Peace Love And Erica.

Erica Hope =) #2

Life is interesting right now...
I have alot of problems i just cant seem to say out loud for some weird reason. The only way to hide from them is blasting music and writing on here i guess.
Destany and Precious sorry i didnt say any of this to you guys but im too hard headed to admit that im screwing my life up... I cant help it.
I LOVE logan...
I really do but we fight.. and he doesnt wanna date right now (again) because of our fighting. But i miss him and i worry about him being with those mountain skanks every minute of everyday because he gets sooo mad when i get jealous and he has the right. I HATE not being with him. I just wanna see Him,  Kiss him... ALl THE TIME!
But i cant because of my mother and stepfather.. They hate him.
And he gets mad cause we dont see each other...

On The other hand..

Theres Tyler...
Hes like perfect but i know for a fact hes cheated before... and i really dont want a cheater.. but hes soo sweet he makes me think that im all he'll ever want.

And on the other, other hand. (I have three Hands) lol jk.

Theres Cyrus...
He Usually just wants sex but he says all the right things... =( and he was my best friend before anything ever happened. so even if anything ever changes between us then i guess hed be my friend still.. because hes always been there for me despite all the bad things hes done. . . Did i mention hes going into college next year??? and he wants to be a preacher which is really cute. . . kinda.

(By the way, sorry for the whole bus ride Destany.. LOL)

See!!! This is TOOOO Much for one girl to handle oh and theres another tyler who told he loved me and that im all he ever wanted... but idk hes kinda weird... And thats not even to mention that my sucky a** dad is bugging the heck outta me... i went to new york recently and i told him i didnt have ANY spending money so i really wouldnt have any money to eat on and he said "OH Thats Cool" But He wants me to go with him on his birthday..... HELL NO!!!! He can drag his stupid freaky pedophile wife with him so she can steal even more of his money... (She hates me) {She Told me so}  She also told my dad he couldnt talk to me.... HA! thats fine i dont wanna talk to him. lol
 Well the good news is that im going to the beach friday even tho im not sure i really wanna go. I Mean I LOVE The Beach but im still tired from my new york trip.

<3 Losta Love
Always Yours,
Peace, Love, And Erica.

Preicous Prize

Hey People
Its Preicous! In the computer lab! This is the last full day of school!
Probably aint coming tomorrow...But my mom will probably end up making me come so idk.
Went swimming yesterday after school. Had a blast! And finally got a little bit tan!
Todays been kinda boring but I had some good laughs in 1st period!
Me,Destany,and Bobby was telling stories about our childhood!
Lol it was so funny! Me,Erica, and Destany are working on getting some pictures of us up.
Were also gonna put links of our Photobucket,Youtube, and slideshow.
(When me get around to making them)
I am supposed to be hanging with Destany this weekend. And hopefully I'll get to but I am still kinda grounded for being a bad kid. So we'll wait and see what happens.
Oh big plus her HOT cousins supposed to be coming down from Ohio.
So I'll have to get my flirt on!!!
God Destany is trying to help our Mexican friend Sabrina(I think I spelled it right)
How to find our blog! I love you Sabrina!
=] Just thought I'd say that!
But yeah so my days been pretty good so far...besides waking up late
and like getting ready in 2 minutes.
lol school been fun so far because theres only like a handful of people.
...Well I am back in computer lab so I thought I'd write a bit more on my post.
Lunch was fun. Lol we played darts it was great.
Then we all laid down in the hall and got in trouble. In 5th Destany seraided (didn't spell right) us with
her beautiful singing! I am glad Sabrina got to hang with us all day!
Now that were having all this fun cuz its the last full day...
I am actually really sad about this being the last day of my freshman year...
I am gonna miss the Senoirs and I've got to go Graduation Friday...=[
It's gonna be sad. Sabrina just imformed me that I fucking missed the 8th grade gradution...
Oh well I have to go to Kindergarden Graduation though.
So I'll have something to do tonight.
Since I am still grounded I am probably gonna have a boring summer.
God I wish I could freaking learn from my mistakes the first time I screw up...
But it's only a matter of time when I fall right back into trouble FOR THE SAME DAMN THING!!!
Everything is just retarded right now. Lifes not susposed to be this damn Hard!!!
Well got to go for now.
Love ya,

Monday, May 24, 2010

Destany PeaceRider♥

*My first blog*
Im sitting in the computer lab with Precious! Todays been
slow,nothing really to do. Except laugh at Precious and Hope.
Some really retarded skank was about to dance on the tables
during lunch. But she didn't. Thank god. I can't
believe that the school year is almost up. I
mean theirs a total of about 3 days left.
3 days were did the year go???
Ahhhh hows time flys when your having fun with
weirdos. Precious over here is making fun of me
because I can't spell, Its not my fault
that i didnt pay attention in middle school.
This year has been awesome I've had so much fun between
Precious and Hope my year has been filled with excitement at every turn. Im
happy i became friends with Hope and so much closer to Precious:]
Im so lucky to have such great friends because i can be a handfull sometimes.
Between days were I come to school asleep to nights were I don't sleep at all.
Their always there. Were all crazy but sometimes
I think I take the cake. But I have fun the way I am I couldn't ask for a funner life,
and a better group of freinds.=]
Destany PeaceRider

Precious Prize

~My First Blog~
Hey Guys!
Precious in the house! Sitting in the computer lab with Destiny PeaceRider.
Laughing at her insane self. Todays been pretty fun.
Some girls in lunch were gonna dance on the tables.
But they didnt. They danced in the hall way for awhile...that didnt last long.
Only 3 mores days of school left. =[
Most kids would be happy but dont get me wrong
I am glad that its summer; swimming,staying up all night
till your pretty much sleep deprive and pretty much living with your friends.
But the sad thing is, My freshman year is over..
It goes by so fast. It seems like is was last week that I was freaking out about going into high school. Now I realize that high school is the best years of your life.
And everytime you move up a grade your just getting closer to the "real" world.
But the bright side (theres always a bright side of everything) is that
I didnt really learn anything this year expect to be more careful when your doing stuff your not susposed to be doing. God Destiny over here is killing me with her lack of spelling skills lol.
Its offical I am the designated speller! (I didnt no how to spell designated and damned if I didnt ask stupid ass Destiny how to spell God I am the dumbest blonde) Ohhh now
shes proud of herself cuz she spelled attenion! I love her =]
Lifes not so great at the house...(brusied arm+broom=scared of broom)
Long story dont ask cuz you really dont wanna no.
But yeah me and Destiny are working on a slide show of pictures of our 9th grade year.
We'll have to put it on here sometime! All I have left to say it out of all the good
and bad times this year the two things I am happy about is becoming closer to Destiny and Erica!
I love you people!
~Preicous Prize~

Erica Hope

My First Blog... Precious's will come later...
Currently, I Am sitting in the computer lab at school and still laughing for calling this girl a skank cuz... not to be mean but she kinda is... lol she deserved it and im sick of being nice to people i dont like so i finally decided to tell her how i felt... Is that so Wrong???
Well The Bell Is About to Ring So Until Some Time Later....
Peace Love And Erica