

A Quote About Our Friendship

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.

-Elizabeth Foley

Our Blogs

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Erica Hope #3

*Extreme Dramatic Sigh*

I Just Dont know what to do....
i dont know if im allowed to write two blogs in one day but im gonna =p
i just had a TRAGEDY happen. Me and my friend were playing suck and blow (the game where you pass a credit card with your mouth by sucking and blowing.) and it fell and we kissed. kinda lol in the middle of english.. lol its not really a tragedy cuz it doesnt bother me actually. lol but im just thanking god that its the end of the year and there was only like three people in the room to see. lol ive got a big smile on my face because this guy i think is cute,  saw it and im pretty sure he found it attractive lol. haha. what guy wouldnt? lol.
anyway.. im kinda bored. . . today kinda sucks a lil. i was in lunch and brent bumped into me and knocked my food off my tray and then i went to go get a new sandwhich and the lunch room ran out of food. =(
it kinda upset me, lol.
you know your life sucks when:
1. someone loves you but they dont wanna date?
2. you get upset over stupid things (like food)
3. you cant stand half your best friends lol
4. your mom and dad call you fat
5. you cry when your parents yell at you cause your just tired
6. you say "please dont be insert-boy-you-love's-name-here " Everytime the phone rings.
Sounds bad dont it?
well gotta go
<3 Lotsa Love
Peace, Love, And Erica

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