

A Quote About Our Friendship

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.

-Elizabeth Foley

Our Blogs

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Preicous Prize

Hey People
Its Preicous! In the computer lab! This is the last full day of school!
Probably aint coming tomorrow...But my mom will probably end up making me come so idk.
Went swimming yesterday after school. Had a blast! And finally got a little bit tan!
Todays been kinda boring but I had some good laughs in 1st period!
Me,Destany,and Bobby was telling stories about our childhood!
Lol it was so funny! Me,Erica, and Destany are working on getting some pictures of us up.
Were also gonna put links of our Photobucket,Youtube, and slideshow.
(When me get around to making them)
I am supposed to be hanging with Destany this weekend. And hopefully I'll get to but I am still kinda grounded for being a bad kid. So we'll wait and see what happens.
Oh big plus her HOT cousins supposed to be coming down from Ohio.
So I'll have to get my flirt on!!!
God Destany is trying to help our Mexican friend Sabrina(I think I spelled it right)
How to find our blog! I love you Sabrina!
=] Just thought I'd say that!
But yeah so my days been pretty good so far...besides waking up late
and like getting ready in 2 minutes.
lol school been fun so far because theres only like a handful of people.
...Well I am back in computer lab so I thought I'd write a bit more on my post.
Lunch was fun. Lol we played darts it was great.
Then we all laid down in the hall and got in trouble. In 5th Destany seraided (didn't spell right) us with
her beautiful singing! I am glad Sabrina got to hang with us all day!
Now that were having all this fun cuz its the last full day...
I am actually really sad about this being the last day of my freshman year...
I am gonna miss the Senoirs and I've got to go Graduation Friday...=[
It's gonna be sad. Sabrina just imformed me that I fucking missed the 8th grade gradution...
Oh well I have to go to Kindergarden Graduation though.
So I'll have something to do tonight.
Since I am still grounded I am probably gonna have a boring summer.
God I wish I could freaking learn from my mistakes the first time I screw up...
But it's only a matter of time when I fall right back into trouble FOR THE SAME DAMN THING!!!
Everything is just retarded right now. Lifes not susposed to be this damn Hard!!!
Well got to go for now.
Love ya,

1 comment:

  1. Hello. My name is Sabrina-JK! You know me!! Aha. But yes, Preicous, you did spell my name wrong.-sigh- It's okay though.I still heart you! This year has been CA-RAZYY! And fast! Geeezzz! I'm happy I became closer to you. You're hilarious! Lol.
    Stay Creative
    -Sabrina[thinking of beautiful Tay]
