

A Quote About Our Friendship

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.

-Elizabeth Foley

Our Blogs

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ericas Apology

This Is My Apology...(Obviously)

Im So So So Sorry for starting all those fights a while back. You didnt deserve to be yelled at... it just seemed like i was going through all of this and you didnt care anymore... and i know thats not true but thats how it felt... and i felt kinda lost, left and a lil betrayed... but i know that i have no reason to feel that way... i love you soo much! im sooo sorry. Please forgive me.

Im A horrible person... i didnt give you a chance.. i just kinda hated you for taking destany from me and i know now that you really didnt... and im really sorry for that... cuz i see now that your an amazing friend. and that i shouldnt judge people. im soo sorry i love you with all my heart, please forgive me..

AS Always
<3 Lotsa Love,
Yours Always,
Peace Love And Erica.


  1. I FORGIVE YOU HOPE:] I'll allways ba here for you no matter were in this big world im at i'll be with you. No matter the choices you make ill stand behind you. I love you.

    Love,Destany PeaceRider♥

  2. =] I love you Erica! And I am really glad were friends now!!! =] Your great and your just so funny and awesome!!!

