

A Quote About Our Friendship

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.

-Elizabeth Foley

Our Blogs

Monday, May 24, 2010

Destany PeaceRider♥

*My first blog*
Im sitting in the computer lab with Precious! Todays been
slow,nothing really to do. Except laugh at Precious and Hope.
Some really retarded skank was about to dance on the tables
during lunch. But she didn't. Thank god. I can't
believe that the school year is almost up. I
mean theirs a total of about 3 days left.
3 days were did the year go???
Ahhhh hows time flys when your having fun with
weirdos. Precious over here is making fun of me
because I can't spell, Its not my fault
that i didnt pay attention in middle school.
This year has been awesome I've had so much fun between
Precious and Hope my year has been filled with excitement at every turn. Im
happy i became friends with Hope and so much closer to Precious:]
Im so lucky to have such great friends because i can be a handfull sometimes.
Between days were I come to school asleep to nights were I don't sleep at all.
Their always there. Were all crazy but sometimes
I think I take the cake. But I have fun the way I am I couldn't ask for a funner life,
and a better group of freinds.=]
Destany PeaceRider

1 comment:

  1. Oh my Schyuler. What can I say about you. . .Words can't describe how many times you've made me laugh. Just reading you blog makes me giggle. Lol. And ,yes, that SLAG (Katey Barton) is lucky she got off that table because if I was at school yesterday she would've had a nice serving of milk thrown in her hair. Okay I'm calm. Can't wait till our sleepover!
    Heart you darling
    -Sabrina[Still thinking= )]
