

A Quote About Our Friendship

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.

-Elizabeth Foley

Our Blogs

Monday, May 24, 2010

Precious Prize

~My First Blog~
Hey Guys!
Precious in the house! Sitting in the computer lab with Destiny PeaceRider.
Laughing at her insane self. Todays been pretty fun.
Some girls in lunch were gonna dance on the tables.
But they didnt. They danced in the hall way for awhile...that didnt last long.
Only 3 mores days of school left. =[
Most kids would be happy but dont get me wrong
I am glad that its summer; swimming,staying up all night
till your pretty much sleep deprive and pretty much living with your friends.
But the sad thing is, My freshman year is over..
It goes by so fast. It seems like is was last week that I was freaking out about going into high school. Now I realize that high school is the best years of your life.
And everytime you move up a grade your just getting closer to the "real" world.
But the bright side (theres always a bright side of everything) is that
I didnt really learn anything this year expect to be more careful when your doing stuff your not susposed to be doing. God Destiny over here is killing me with her lack of spelling skills lol.
Its offical I am the designated speller! (I didnt no how to spell designated and damned if I didnt ask stupid ass Destiny how to spell God I am the dumbest blonde) Ohhh now
shes proud of herself cuz she spelled attenion! I love her =]
Lifes not so great at the house...(brusied arm+broom=scared of broom)
Long story dont ask cuz you really dont wanna no.
But yeah me and Destiny are working on a slide show of pictures of our 9th grade year.
We'll have to put it on here sometime! All I have left to say it out of all the good
and bad times this year the two things I am happy about is becoming closer to Destiny and Erica!
I love you people!
~Preicous Prize~

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