

A Quote About Our Friendship

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.

-Elizabeth Foley

Our Blogs

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Destany PeaceRider♥ #4 I'm in bed right now and its 1:11am
and i just got done watching the LAST episode of
my anime. NO MORE, DONE!
And I'm wanting to cry, wait i am crying:[
And when people read this their going to be like
"why would you cry over something like anime
its not real." Well anime has been their for me when i had
no one. I was in the 6th grade and my parents split up and i went into
bad depression. Then one night I was flipping through the TV
channels and I stumbled on to adult swim.
It was about 2 something in the morning and I started to watch
the show that was on. It turned out to be Inuyasha:]
I started to watch it every night and I started to forget about some of my
Even tho it was still their I felt better, I was happier and didn't cry as much.
So anime is like a comfort for me, and at school I can't say much about it
because when I do some say(and some people HAVE told me this
before) "Its just a show,I don't know why you even watch it,or
that's stupid Destany." It makes me so mad
that people can say that about my feelings because
whether they like it or not
anime is my favorite thing and on most days the
only thing I look forward to. I'm pretty sure that it being all i have is the only reason
that Hope and Precious let me carry on about. I'm about to
cry writing this. I don't have that many friends,and  most of the time I'm

So anyway I'm still waiting on the dubbed version so that's
good. I'm glad to get that off my chest I fell kinda relieved.

Destany PeaceRider

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