

A Quote About Our Friendship

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.

-Elizabeth Foley

Our Blogs

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Destany PeaceRider♥ #3

Oh how I love the smell of computers in the morning.
Life sucks, last night I got yelled at because I don't do
anything but sit on my a** on my laptop which is bull. I do everything
at my house. Just ask Hope or Precious! Any who long story short I'm upset.
Is it weird that I'm not allowed to go to my bedroom until I want to go to sleep. I mean I'm not allowed to go sit in there??????
Its the last day of school:[
Well currently I'm planing how to kill my parents. (lol jk)
Sitting in between Hope and Precious who are writing also.
And reading Hopes stories. I love her stories their
The one I'm reading right now is my favorite.
I don't have much to day. Did you know Tom Felton (Draco) can sing??
I'm listing to him right now.
which is helping my mood. Maybe ill read some fan fiction later
it helps alot.
So yesterday I went to my aunt's. It was fun, we always have fun.
We watched the messengers and omg that movie
is scary.Well not much going on this morning.
I plan on going home today doing a boat load of chores, then maybe I'll get to do what i
want to do. I doubt it. Hmm, Hope and Precious are going to
make me look stupid because I can't write as much as they can.
I don't have an exciting life. The highlight of my week is getting to watch my anime.

What I Think Of Hope
Hope, whats their to say about you.Well Your crazy,funny,smart,
creative the list goes on and on.
Your my Mimi Force, Izzy Lightwood, my Aphrodite.
Your always their.

What I Think  About Precious
You nerd. Your kind, funny,retarded and also crazy.
Your my Zoey Redbird, Vamp Nugget, my Anime Buddy.
You never leave. :]

Well Thats about it for today unless something comes up!

Destany PeaceRider♥

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