

A Quote About Our Friendship

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.

-Elizabeth Foley

Our Blogs

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Erica Hope #6

Dear Bloggers,
i am chilling with my cousin and best friend amber! i love her.
i have to call logan later... someone told me he was cheating on me like the whole time we were dating (8 months) on and off. . .
i really hope not... my other friend alisha told me that she has known logan all her life and he has NEVER been a cheater. so im praying shes right cuz she would never lie to me. I REALLY love him!!! more than anything in this world. i dont wanna be without him. hes the best thing thats ever happened to me. . . and i just dont know... i really wish destany would help me but shes having her own boy problems too and i just cant bring myself to complain to amber about it. because none of my friends like him and theyd just say leave him alone because hes a loser... but i know hes not!! hes sooo much like me... i just dont know... so im writing this blog with tears almost streaming down my face because everything is going wrong! EVERYTHING! maybe a vacation is what i need. . . and now i found out that i only have a 74 in algebra II so im probably not getting my cell phone back and its been gone for 11 weeks... and logans getting sick of me not having a cell and i dont blame him but i tried soooo hard to pass that class and my parents think i didnt do anything. . . i dont know what to do... i am probably gonna end up crying my eyes out all night... whenever ambers parents go to sleep..
<3 Lotsa Love,
Peace, Love, And Erica.

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